Studio Portrait Of An African American Model In Makeup

Be your muse

African American Woman Getting Her Makeup Done By A Makeup Artist

Muse in the Mirror makeup is the go to makeup service for your special occasion or your own learning journey to become your own muse.

Services for all occasions.

Below are examples of services provided, but please feel free to reach out with any questions or special requests.

Beauty Portrait Of Woman With Color Make Up And Feathers

Evaluation and two look makeup training

Session I:

  • Discuss current routines and goals

  • Assess the skincare and makeup products in use

Session II:

  • Tuesday Morning training session

  • Hot Night Out training session

Macro photo of a green eye of a young woman with yellow eye shadow looking at the camera.


Makeup for your special day. Look your best and most confident on the best day of your life.

Makeup Artist Applies Eyeshadow

Special events or Girls Night Fun

Applied makeup for your special occasion or group training for the gathering the ladies.

Nice to meet you. I’m Daycia.

Passionate about making all women feel inspired when they look in the mirror through makeup and styling.

Certified from London School of Freelance Makeup with extensive experience from working at MAC. Providing services for special events, training in how to apply makeup for the daily grind or the special occasion, as well as creating the perfect ladies nights.

I have experience with brides, mature women needing new rutines, as well as experience from London, New York and New Orleans Fashion Weeks.

Contact me for information about my services and let’s begin our journey Together here in Raleigh, NC or nearby areas. or (919)-564-9204